
What if our biological clocks are being synced with pulsars?

Pulsars are neutron stars the emit pulses of electromagnetic radiation, which can be detected if they are directed towards the Earth. I have read that many of the cells in our body have their own timing mechanisms (their clocks) and they are controlled by the Suprachiasmatic Nuclei (SCN) found in our hypothalamus. What if our […]


Tracking My Circadian Rhythm Through Body Temperature

New project! This is done in the spirit of biohacking. Despite the flashy name, biohacking essentially means modifying ourselves and our environment to optimise our well being and health. I tracked my body temperature from 19th Oct 11:30 AM to 20th Oct 6:30 AM at 30 mins intervals.. I used an Omron MC 246 digital […]


People going for studies in a country just because it’s popular

When it comes to choosing a country to go to, for study or work, I see people choosing primarily based on what they have seen in movies and series and on the internet as to which are the popular ones. It’s so laughably stupid that they make such critical long-term decisions based on vain perceptions […]


Efficient Resume Builder for Geeks

The details are inputted in a text format using the JSON format, which is efficient and elegant. Then, the resume can be rendered into different formats like PDF, using in-built commands and with beautiful themes. Check out JSON Resume


My new podcast

I have started a new podcast in which I discuss about psychology, technology, and many things which I am passionate about. My friend Junaid Khairdi will be a regular guest. Check out the first episode:


Tried ‘The Password Game’

I spent a good amount of time playing the game. It was really fun and engaging. A geeky person with a broad knowledge base would really enjoy it. I couldn’t finish it. It’s quite difficult. But, I enjoyed it. Here’s how my screen looked while trying to solve it: Try it out:


🕌Research on Qaza: Making up missed Salah

I am researching on what Islam teaches us regarding making up our missed Salah (prayers). Note: I am not a scholar of Islam and thus I will try to quote scholars. As always, you will need to verify the authenticity of the statements and ultimately refer back to the Quran and Sahih Hadith. Obligation of […]


📹Consuming YouTube videos like a pro, using AI

I started watching a video titled ‘How to make your food 30x more delicious‘ and I thought what’s the best way to extract the core insights from the video without watching it completely, considering that it’s an informational video. Here’s what I thought: extract transcript and ask ChatGPT to summarise it. Great idea! Right? Here’s […]


🧮👕👖Efficient problem-solving by changing the paradigm: Islamic dress code conundrum

Often we try to solve our problems by trying different solutions, but we stay in the paradigm. This might turn out to be ineffective. It’s possible that you might find a straightforward and efficient system by escaping the paradigm and getting into a new one. My example involving Islamic dress code Like other people, I […]


🥽🧍 The Intelligent Design of Human Bodies

Sometimes I wonder why our bodies are the way they are, like why only two eyes, not one or three? Why the specific number and placement of different parts? In this post, I will try to explore this concept in detail. I invite you to add your points too. (Contact Me) This exploration is in […]