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💻 My Sudoku Solver Software

30-Day Writing Challenge: 18/30 As some of you know, I do some basic Python programming. Out of all the projects I made, Sudoku Solver is one of my favourites. I thought we could try a demo. Send me a Sudoku puzzle and I will try to solve it with my code and post a video […]


⏳ Manage Willpower More Than Time

30-Day Writing Challenge: 17/30 People who try to be productive focus on time management. But there are occasions when there is plenty of time, but you just don’t have the energy to do the task. Maybe, more than time management, it’s about energy or willpower management. It is often overlooked. Based on a quick search: […]


⚙️ Consistency, Inertia and Systems

30-Day Writing Challenge: 16/30 Sharing my responses to a few questions I got: Why do we struggle with consistency? There are a few reasons, as per my knowledge: First is that our environment does not reward us adequately when we try to build good habits and does not ‘punish’ us when we do the opposite. […]


🖊️ How The Writing Challenge is Going On

30-Day Writing Challenge: 15/30 This challenge turned out to be way more difficult than I thought. Initial 10-12 days were relatively easy. The easy topics were covered first. The objective was to overcome the inertia of writing. There are so many things I wanna talk and write about. But these very topics which are raw […]


Don’t Trust Your Mind

30-Day Writing Challenge: 14/30 This is an idea I came up with: “Don’t trust your mind”. May of us might think that our mind is infallible. We can trust it absolutely. But, it fools us so often and so easily. There are so many biases that happen while thinking. Some people hallucinate, some have [clinical] […]


🗪 Reversibility in language

30-Day Writing Challenge: 13/30 Looking into language and it’s structure sometimes yields interesting insights. For example, compare the phrasal verbs ‘passing out’ and ‘passing away’. The difference lies in the reversibility of ‘out’ and ‘away’. If someone can pass out (i.e., become unconscious), they can pass in (not a real phrase, I think). But, the […]


📖 Read Books Efficiently

30-Day Writing Challenge: 12/30 Extracting knowledge efficiently from non-fiction books is a skill. Books have a few core ideas and rest might be fluff meant to cushion the concepts and add bulk. There might be people who read non-fiction books from cover to cover. I used to do the same. It’s very inefficient. Here’s how […]


📜 When Someone Quotes You

30-Day Writing Challenge: 11/30 It’s a great feeling when someone finds what you said worthy enough to quote it to someone.


🪙 5 Characteristics of An Ideal Economy

30-Day Writing Challenge: 10/30 Characteristics of an ideal economy as described by Peter Joseph in The New Human Rights Movement: 1. Automation Let machines do the tasks which they are efficient in. Use the output to provide universal income/food/utilities 2. Access Create shared access to resources at a local level. Can be done with a […]